Sunday, November 30, 2008

New Writer On Board....

I have appointed a new writer to help me maintain this blog....
His name is Asrul...and a good friend of mine....He will be in charge of posts in Malay...
I hope this will make this blog a place for young people to discuss about our country...
Don't forget to leave your comments........

Friday, November 28, 2008

Perdana Menteri bukan Melayu?

Oleh Sang Kelembai Junior

Kenyataan mantan Perdana Menteri (PM) Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad mengenai orang bukan Melayu boleh dilantik jadi PM amat menarik untuk diulas. Masakan tidak, kerana selama ini kita menikmati era pemerintahan lima PM yg kesemuanya terdiri dari orang Melayu. Lebih menarik lagi, kenyataan seperti ini keluar dari mulut seorang yang pernah menjawat jawatan tertinggi dalam kerajaan yang sering diimpi-impikan itu. Banyak pihak pastinya kurang selesa dengan kenyataan mantan PM yang terkenal dengan sifat lantangnya itu. Namun, adalah amat penting untuk kita meneliti, benarkah seperti didakwa oleh Tun itu? Jika benar, di mana rasionalnya?

Dokumen yang paling penting untuk dirujuk bila dibentang permasalahan seperti ini adalah Perlembagaan itu sendiri. Sesuai dengan kedudukannya sebagai undang-undang tertinggi negara seperti tersebut dalam Perkara 4 (1) 'Perlembagaan ini adalah undang-undang utama Persekutuan dan apa-apa undang-undang yang diluluskan selepas hari merdeka dan yang berlawanan dengan Perlembagaan ini hendaklah terbatal setakat yang berlawanan itu'.

Sesungguhnya Perlembagaan sendiri tidak pernah meletakkan peruntukan kriteria PM itu mesti dari kalangan Melayu dan beragama Islam. Yang disebut dengan jelas ialah bagaimana pihak yang mendapat kerusi terbanyak dalam Dewan Rakyat diberi kuasa untuk menamakan seorang ahli Dewan Rakyat dari pihak mereka yang mendapat sokongan majoriti untuk dinamakan sebagai PM.

Ini dapat dibuktikan melalui Perkara 43 (2) (a) dimana diperuntukkan 'Yang di-Pertuan Agong hendaklah terlebih dahulu melantik sebagai Perdana Menteri untuk mempengerusikan Jemaah Menteri seorang ahli Dewan Rakyat yang pada hematnya mungkin mendapat kepercayaan majoriti ahli Dewan Rakyat itu'. Manakala Perkara 43 (4) pula menyatakan 'Jika Perdana Menteri tidak lagi mendapat kepercayaan majoriti ahli Dewan Rakyat, maka Perdana Menteri hendaklah meletakkan jawatan Jemaah Menteri melainkan jika atas permintaannya Parlimen dibubarkan oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong'. Tidak ada satu peruntukan pun yang menyatakan secara jelas bahawa seorang Perdana Menteri itu mesti terdiri dari orang Melayu beragama Islam.

Contohnya jika suatu hari nanti Parti Tindakan Demokratik (DAP) atau Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) yang ditunjangi bukan Melayu bercadang memilih bukan Melayu jadi PM, itulah yang bakal kita lihat. Tidak ada pihak ketika itu yang boleh mempertikaikan sebagaimana yang telah dipersetujui dalam Perlembagaan itu. Inilah perkara yang lurus dan paling selari dengan Perlembagaan. Kesimpulannya, benarlah seperti yang disebut oleh Tun itu dan mana-mana pihak yang membangkangnya, dinasihatkan supaya meneliti Perlembagaan semula. Malaysia berdiri di atas Perlembagaan dan ini akan kekal sehingga matahari terbit dari barat.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Management And Science University (MSU)

Everytime I tell people where I study they will ask me back " WHAT IS MSU ?".........
So for the last time let me tell you WHAT is MSU...

The university is a manifestation of the culture of excellence which is synonymous to its collegiate institution the PTPL Group of Colleges. MSU is concerned with providing quality education for all. It is concerned with the creation of quality graduates as a step towards enriching the human capital pool locally and internationally. As a university of choice MSU focuses strongly in the critical areas of studies that encompass medicine, health and life sciences, business, management, information sciences and engineering.

The programmes offered along these areas meet the stringent standards set by the local or international bodies. MSU award winning home grown programmes are among the best in the region. These programmes are meticulously crafted to enhance the graduates worth. The university aspires to provide education that will enhance employability of its graduates and at the same time enrich the students learning experience with ethical and moral values.

The MSU Logo - Its Rationale - The Colours: Red, Black and White

The red and black colours are specifically chosen to depict a bold and balanced growth of MSU. Red connotes radiance and the vibrancy of MSU’s role in education against the Black colour which denotes change and the challenges confronting it. The colour white, on the other hand, implies the purity and infinity of knowledge for all to discover at MSU.

The Hibiscus

The national flower, the Hibiscus, symbolically represents MSU as a university deeply rooted within rich Malaysian values. MSU’s steadfastness is depicted through the generous red and white petals whereas the largest white dot, the stigma, at the end of the upward-surge of the style depicts a globe, signifying the University’s readiness to be a regional and global institution of choice. MSU’s focus areas of Medicine, the Health Sciences, Business Management and Information Sciences & Engineering are metaphorically linked with the hibiscus.

The complete flower is seen as symbolizing life vis-avis the focus on Medicine and Health Sciences related disciplines. The ‘M’ shaped petals represent the management whereas the style relates to the information sciences and engineering disciplines offered through MSU. The ‘M’ shaped petals are also closely associated with the elements of love and care embedded within MSU and its community. The five petals are MSU’s five mission statements in its quest at nurturing leaders of tomorrow through quality education professed by means of innovative teaching and learning methodologies that ensure students’ success.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Im quite busy right now....I'll be back soon...Pls continue your support....

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Trip to Parliament

Cameras are not allowed inside so all I have are these pictures...

Notice how dorky i look in this pic...

It was a great day out....Lots of C4 jokes...heheheh....I'll write more about the trip later...

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Parliament here i come...

This tuesday....

Smile, god loves you....

Look at that precious smile.....

Malaysian Press Freedom....

I dont think so...Heck even Timor Leste , Cambodia and Thailand do better than us...
Our press are controlled by the government(they dont just control, they basicly own it) thus freedom = 0...
Even bloggers/reporters are under attack by the government via ISA....What in the world is happening to our country..??? Who are we letting run our country..??? Who are these clowns..???